Teachers and college professors everywhere are requiring students to submit work in AP styled formatting. Students panic when ever they hear a paper or report is due in AP Style. Some students feel overwhelmed because they never too the time to really understand how to write in AP Style. These tips will help explain the proper formatting techniques one should use when writing a work using AP Style. This should take the mystery out of how to format a paper according to AP Style for once and for all. While students may consider it an unnecessary complication, learning the rules while help you get through all AP style papers with ease. AP Style format is not as complicated as it may seem. Once you get familiarized with the rules, then you’ll always be able to handle any AP Style document request whether it is education or business related. Here’s how.
Things You’ll Need:
- Computer
- Word Processor
Step 1
Make sure your page layout is set up correctly. Use a 8 ½ by 11 inch paper. Set your paper to 1 inch margins. They should be the same on all sides.
Step 2
AP style format requires the use of a title page. The title of your work should be on the first line. The author’s name should be written on the next line. The line following should have the name of the institution, college, or school. Make sure these lines are centered.
Step 3
At the top left hand on the title page write or type ‘Running Head:” the short version of your work title should follow after the colon. Write the short version in all caps. This short version will be written on all pages after this one a the top right of the page. When written at the top right corner of all pages, the title should appear in all caps followed by 5 spaces and the page number. Both versions should be clear and simple to the reader.
Step 4
If you need to include an abstract, then it belongs on the second page. Center the word Abstract on the page. Write a 75- 100 word summary of you report of paper to include here.
Step 5
Properly cite your sources in the body of your report.
Step 6
To cite quotes in the body of your work there is a format. List the author’s last name, then first name. The year and the page number or numbers should appear in parentheses after the quotes close. For example: Apples don’t fall far from trees “which is why apples are easy to gather for food.” (Davis, 2010, p.123)