A club charter is a written contract and a commitment from all potential members of a club. This charter is the basis of what the club is, the purpose of the club, how it will be run and any rules that will govern the club entity. A charter can be as simple as the people who form the club make it, or complex. Here is how you can write a club charter.
Step 1
Figure out what the main focus of this club will be. Article I should be the name of the club. Article to should be the purpose of the club. For example, if you decide the purpose of the club is to help children with terminal illnesses then this needs to be clearly stated in Article II. Knowing the clear focus of the club will help others decide whether they want to be a member of the club.
Step 2
Set goals and aspirations for the club to achieve. Article II should be a detailed section of the goals of this club as an entity. IF you have the intention to cultivate modern tastes in regards to Islam in the West, then this should be written as a goal. The goals should be compatible to the club’s focus.
Step 3
Article IV of the club charter should stipulate when the club members will meet. You must establish consistent and regular meetings. These regular meeting should be detailed and specific. You should also include details like the location and length of the meetings. You can even write out the details of the administrative procedures that are to happen during the meetings.
Step 4
Article V should be about the fundamental rules of the club. You should establish positions of hierarchy and whether you will have a director or president. Article V should detail members’ title, members’ responsibilities and how officers are selected. Any other governing rules may be listed in Articles VI to VIII. These may include fiscal management issues like dues or fees associated with membership. Let the membership know what these dues and fees are used for.
Step 5
Members of the club must review the charter after it is drafted. Drafting the club charter is the easiest part. They must vote on all of the sections of the charter to make in binding to the entire club. If members cannot agree on the stipulations in the first draft of the club charter, then the charter may have to go through a revision process and reviewed for a second time. After which, there has to be another vote taken. A majority vote of the club constituency is required to implement a club charter.