How to Work with a Canadian Headhunter

If you are searching for a job in Canada, you might want to get in touch with a Canadian headhunter who has an excellent track record in filling in jobs in the field where you want to work.  Often known as an executive recruiter, a headhunter is a paid intermediary, commissioned by companies to help them staff their organizations. A headhunter plays a key role in getting the right people into the right jobs.

Be honest

You can establish a symbiotic role with a Canadian headhunter. This you can do by being completely honest with him, not only with regard to your employment history, but also your expectations. Your honesty gives the headhunter an objective assessment about who you are and what you can do. In turn, he will be able to find the job that is most suited for you.

Find out where the best headhunters are

Be aware that there are 2 types of headhunters: the retained headhunters and the contingency headhunters. The former are hired and paid by companies, regardless if they find a person to take on a particular job. On the other hand, contingency recruiters work for a speculative fee, dependent on finding people to fill in certain jobs. Typically, retained recruiters work to fill in jobs in the top-level management framework, while contingency recruiters work to fill a variety of other job posts. Ergo, if you wish to be employed in a key company position, contact the company’s retained recruiter. This way, you would be assured that your job application will be considered for the position that you want.

Prepare a checklist before seeing a Canadian headhunter

Remember that headhunters are in the business of sales. They are in effect, selling all your qualifications and experiences, with the hope that the deal be sealed with an employment contract for you. However, it is not part of the headhunter’s job to prepare for you your resume and other essential requirements.

It would help to list down all the things you need to prepare before meeting up with your Canadian headhunter. On top of this list is a resume that contains all your qualifications and experiences, as well as a succinct statement of your objectives and career goals. Also, it is a must to prepare a cover letter that clearly states the job position you are looking for, your availability for the job, and your contact information.

Seek help in accomplishing your checklist

It would be wise to seek professional assistance in preparing both your resume and your cover letter. After all, these are the first things a prospective employer will see. These also serve as guideposts for your headhunter.