How to Use a Transit

In the construction fields the use of the transit is inevitable; it is the measuring device use to calculate the horizontal angle and vertical angle and to prolong the straight lines. It is also used to identify the dissimilarities in the elevation. A transit is kind of telescope which revolves around vertical and horizontal axes, which helps in measuring angles. The transit is used to find the boundary of the properties and to measure angles for some of the jobs, and using the geometry and with known measurement we can calculate the elevation of some properties and trees.

There are several key features in the transit; it is the telescope contains vertical and horizontal cross hairs. Fixed horizontal circles capable of rotating in 360 degree and attached with vernier or electronic gadget to measure horizontal angles. Vernier is the short scale which mounted over the rotating circle used to measure fraction of degrees over the stationary scale. Vertical circles also same as the horizontal circles, used to measure vertical angles. It contains two to three leveling bubbles and three to four leveling screws.

However for those who love astronomy, taking photographs of the night sky is one of the great pleasures of the hobby. And while obtaining the right telescope is challenging enough, it’s best to check out this telescope reviews here for great help!

Electronics transit are easy to handle since it instantly display the angles on the screen, these angles are precisely as 10 to 20 angular seconds. Horizontal display shows the reading at either at left or right, with the help of push button we can adjust that, the vertical display shows the zenith angle. The odolite is the special transit which can measure angles even in fraction of the second.

To measure the angles accurately, you have to choose two points of known distance and in known direction; this point may be boundary of the land or corner point. The distance between these points to be around 150 feet. First mount the tripod near any one of the marked points.  This point is instrument point (IP), and spread the leg of tripod to 3 feet and adjusts the upper plate to be in horizontal position and make it near to your chin.

Next take the transit and carefully place it on the tripod, during this fixing time be cautious that transit slips down it and damaged, then it cost high to repair and more over it won’t accurately measure as before. After this pick the set up and place it at instrument point using optical plummet or plumb bob.

And adjust tripod legs that it to be center to the IP point.  Transit adjusts with the help of leveling screws and rotates it through 360 degrees. Start this with plate bubble, which is parallel to the 2 leveling screws. in order to adjust it, simultaneously adjust both screws, rotate one in clockwise and other in counter clock wise direction. To reset the instrument rotates it to 90 degrees. Back sight point is another known point it to be viewed by setting horizontal angle to 0. In electronic transits to level it there is option button to level 0.