How to Use a Tanning Bed

The tanning beds are a quite different way which is used to keep your skin good. You can get health and a glowing skin. This process would take place in a controlled place and environment. There are professionals for doing this task.

The first step is going round the local tanning salons, and asking them about the courses. There are many types of beds. Shop around and look for the beds in different salons. Some of the beds would be clean and others would have been cleaned with the help of glass cleaners, these would not be clean.

If you spot something like that, don’t ever try them. Most of the quality salons, would ask you to fill a skin analysis form. This is for the professionals to get an idea about your skin; this will help them in determining the time required by you on the bed. This will take around a few minutes. The important aspect you should be sure of is the kind of medication that is being used.

Some of the types can affect your skin, if exposed to tanning beds. Ask them for good quality goggles, don’t worry about the style of them, it is purely for protecting eyes from the radiations. There are also some cases where you could become even blind. To avoid these things, do ask the goggles and wear them. Don’t ever try any tyrosine-based lotions, accelerators or pills.

Melanin is the stuff which makes the skin darker; this can be produced by the tyrosine. But huge amount of risk is added with it. The professionals say that, the skin does not absorb them. Hence most of the salons would never use them. So avoid them even if someone advises you to use them. Then, strip down as you want and enter the room.

You can put on your bra and underwear on or you can go nude also. It depends on the users. Be sure that the bed is cleaned before you use it. Don’t use the chairs inside, as it is not sure whether they would clean them too. It is better to use your socks inside, as none of the salons would clean the floors after every use. So protect you from foot warts, you can keep them on.

Ask the staffs to give you a crash course, so that you can learn the functions near the bed.  Do take a shower before you get into the bed. Then stat the courses slowly, say for about ten minutes and increase day by day. Don’t ever get to the bed without the goggles. They are must. After finishing, wipe yourself and put on the cloths. Don’t get shower immediately, make the melanin to get absorbed in the skin.