How to Use a Smartboard

Now, before using Smartboard lets know what is smart board? SMART board is a white board built by SMART technologies and is designed for students and teachers to teach. They are throughout the means of a visual projection to a computer in which lessons; additional program helps are been stored. It can display anything are linked computer displays from word document to videos.

  • Adjust the SMART board screen by press an icon at the base right corner of the screen. After clicking, you have to choose the higher calibration.

  • Show your capability. Directly you can write on white board. With the help of the pen you can manage any program that is be linked computer using SMART board. Use internet to have some brief information’s to students. It is really cooperative when embed your links straight into your passage on the screen. You can save the notes and then take print out and give it to your students.
  • The tool which can be customizable is the Floating tool. Color and text proximately can be done using the highlighting tool. Even pointer is there so it helps the teacher to make students to follow them. You can download lessons, ideas and videos. Smart board can be downloaded from online. It has many pre-loaded tools.
  • Students need to learn how to use SMART board. Teachers when you teach students you can learn more about SMART technology, even new tools can be attractive to their own learning. It’s so enjoyable while writing digitally on SMART board. This session makes so interactive than sleeping. Students can do web sites, share interesting facts, group work and digital portfolio presentation.
  • Even music teachers can make use of optional tools to play the keyboard without having the real keys. SMART board gives virtual keys. Check you have turned the volume and speaker plugged in.
  • Even art teachers are welcome to draw on SMART board and save it. They can group the image on the board. They can color, adjust etc. Even pointer is there so it helps the teacher to make students to follow them. Show your capability.
  • You can capture your notes in order to save them; use the icon at the top that looks like camera. If you want to only save a certain area of your notes, use the area capture button, which you will find on your screen capture toolbar. Use your finger to drag the selection box to the area you want to capture. Click the file button and then the saves button to save your notes.

The eraser, SMART board pens and remote control can end up lost or floating around on student’s desks. The pens should be in their special tray. SMART board is useful for conducting virtual field trips.