A compass is one among the instruments that helps the people to navigate with the help of Earth’s natural magnetic field. It contains a needle set or magnetized pointer in a face as it in the clock. The marking on the face consists of the directions East, West, North and South in alternatives to numbers. Some compasses consist of additional markings that used for showing the directions of northeast, southwest and as same.
The compass of lensatic type is one among the various types of compasses. It contains a dial, which is magnetized in alternative to plain needle. The dial is marked in the directions and the face is marked in numbers that is used for finding more exact directions. A lensatic card is attached to it. This helps the users to note the compass without requiring looking down and at the face of compass directly. For using it with the map a protractor is important. The compass face circumference is spited into 6400 units. Each unit is accurately separation of one meter and at a 1000 meters distance. One mile is also a one-yard for 1000 yards. This system is called as military system.
Taking a Bearing:
Open out the top cover as such it stands at an angle of 90 degree with the card of compass. Keep the lens up right approximately at an angle of 45o degree. Look through it while the hook of the thumb is directed in downward direction. With the help of your thumb keep the compass hook steady. Keep the sighting wire at the center when the target object is faced. Note the degree markings from the card of compass without leaving your attention from the object. Carry out this by placing the lens down and up. Note the bearing in terms of degrees or in military system.
Setting a Bearing:
Note the bearing in terms of degrees by looking at your target object. Keep the moving marking align with magnetic north, which is displayed by the card of compass by turning it. Then by the magnetic north determine the directions and this marking helps you to familiar with the location you are visiting.
Following a Bearing:
After you became familiar with the various directions, while traveling select a landmark in distance as a reference point. Due to hindrances such as trees, clouds, etc., the point of reference becomes invisible at that time just follow the compass bearing. By taking a fresh bearing for the landmark you can check your direction and location.
Lensatic orientation:
The Most updated lensatic compasses contains a square case by using this, the point of reference can be triangulated to your position. One face of the case contains the measurements that are used in military grid maps as a ruler.