The world becomes a global village due to the invasion of internet and its numerous facilities available for people for many purposes. People are always connected due to their presence and even people living in far away places are not feeling bad for their partition with their relatives. They can easily contact them with the help of computers and the internet facilities available nowadays. There are many providers online who are providing these services for free of charge.
In the previous decade, people used to spend more money for contacting people in far away places by making calls to them. Due to this, people don’t often used to call them and speak. They were feeling bad for their partition and they can’t share their feeling completely with less money. But people living in this decade are more boon people when compared to them. They are having great facilities for contacting people in far away places and even abroad.
They don’t need to spend more money to share their thoughts with their loved ones and they can also contact them often without much effort. Also using those facilities are much easier and quicker compared to previous options. Messenger is one of the programs which help in contacting your friends. There are many different types of messenger programs available nowadays. Some of them are gtalk, yahoo, rediffmail, myspace, windows messenger, etc.
They are providing many facilities like chat, sending and receiving messages, files, voice mail, live chat, video chat, etc. They can also store all our chat information for future reference. You can share all your own thoughts with the people who are connected in messenger programs. Windows live messenger is a messenger software program which comes along with the Microsoft windows operating system.
It will provide you the facilities to chat with your friends and family members all over the world. Sometime people feel it is very annoying to use messenger in their system. Hence they can very well uninstall them from their system. The following steps help in uninstalling the windows messenger program from your system. First go to the control panel and get into add or remove programs installed in system. The list containing all the installed programs in your system will be shown. Then you can choose windows live messenger and then right click it to get the option uninstall. Then it will uninstall the program from your system.