How to Turn down a Job Candidate

To turn a job candidate down is a very difficult task. Every job candidate comes prepared. He knows to tackle each and every situation. He knows that it is the time to earn something. You must also be a job candidate, once. You may know that how people prepare themselves for the job interview.

You should turn down many able job candidates because you have not got many jobs. You can do this in following ways:

  • You should decide that you cannot give the candidate a job. The best procedure you may use is to discuss irrelevant things with the candidate and give him an impression that you are going to consider the candidate. You should not be harsh nor should you keep hanging for nothing. Be straightforward in your approach, but in a polite and respectful way.

  • You must appreciate the concern of the candidate to do work with your company. You may also appreciate his qualifications but you may tell the candidate that the competition is very strong and he/she may not be able to go through.
  • You should tell the candidate that he/she is not the only person who is going to receive a rejection sentence.
  • You should not dishearten the candidate. You may tell the candidate that the company needs the people like him. You must also ascertain the candidate that he will be contacted when any vacant post will be created in the company.
  • You must not insult the candidate. This will not go in the favor of your own company. Be patient with the highly unqualified candidates and tell them politely to turn away.
  • The rejection letter must not be insulting. It should be written in a polite but straight way. You should always indicate in the letter the limitation of vacancies in your company. You should also write that many other qualified people are rejected due to short number of vacant posts.
  • Give an advice to the candidate and mention the ways by which he can be able to acquire a good job. You can also refer the candidate to any other company, if you can. And if you really liked the candidate.
  • At last, recommend the candidate, some companies that may need employers like him.

You will need the applications of the candidates in the near future for recommendations and employments. So, you should not completely discard the applications you get during the employment process. You should not dismiss him completely. You should treat your job candidates very politely as the name of your company is at stake when you deal with them.