Butterfly bush has about hundred of species all round the globe. It is a kind of flowering plant. It can grow up to a height of five feet tall and it is a shrub. The nectar of the flowers is very sweet and it can attract several butterflies for its nectar. Hence it has the name like that. They are having charming beauty so that everyone gets attracted to them. They are also having timeless beauty. They will also bloom almost all year around. This makes most of the people to plant roses in their gardens to enjoy them. They are really soft to feel and touch. If you want to get more and more number of flowers from it, you must take care to grow them. You need to trim it regularly in order to grow them healthier. The following tips help you in growing your Butterfly bushes robust and healthy.
- Butterfly bushes are actually very soft and delicate plants and so they will easily caught with infection and diseases. We should kept weed out and clean the surrounding area. Before planting your bushes, first clean the surrounding area in the garden. Remove all unnecessary things like dead old leaves, weeds, branches of old trees and grasses which are overgrown. There may be thorns in bush plants, so you must protect yourself from them by wearing gardening gloves. Don’t use your hand to remove the diseased, dead or damaged things in your garden. Use garden shears to remove them in order to prevent plants from diseases and infection spreading to them.
- Now plant the bushes in a clean place in your garden. Then do the first trim to the bushes. When you are planting new ones, then there is a need to give them vase shape so that they will follow the same while growing. You should also allot some space separately to grow bushes. Initial trimmings is very important than the other ones. Because in initial trimming, you are actually giving them a definite shape to grow them in future.
- Suckers are unnecessary for you and also for your bushes. They are flexible, long and slender cranes which are suddenly arise from bud union. They are really completely unnecessary. So, if you see them, remove them at that moment itself. If you try to cut them with pruners, they will leave remnant of suckers that would produce more and more suckers which would spread everywhere. Just pull them down and remove the plant. You have to be careful in doing this to avoid damaging bud union.
If you do these activities regularly and periodically, your rose will definitely give you good bushes which smell sweet all year round.
Further Readings: