How to Treat Migraine in Children

Migraine is a severe headache, which in children is usually accompanied by abdominal pain. Some sufferers also ex­perience flashing lights and numbness on the affected part of the head. Migraine is prone to run in families and can affect children as young as three. Although some children get a one-off, they do tend to recur. It can be triggered by any number of things from a change in routine to excitement, worry or an adverse reaction to food. Common food culprits are dairy products, chocolate, red meat (particularly pork), caffeine, yeast products and acidic foods. A migraine may last from a couple of hours to a day or more. Children particu­larly tend to recover once they have vomited. Painkillers will bring relief. If your child suffers more frequent attacks, drugs may be prescribed to give at the onset.

What you can do

If the migraines occur less than once a month, treatment for that attack as it happens is probably all that is needed. Monitor what triggers your child’s attack, so that you can try to pre­vent future ones. Keep them in a cool, darkened room and leave a bucket next to the bed in case they are sick.


Herbal medicine

If your child suffers from recurrent migraines, a herbalist will be able to make up a preparation to take at the onset of an attack, to reduce symptoms. This may include Chamomile, Oats, Skullcap, Vervain, Hops, Hyssop and Wood Betony.


A chiropractor will first check to see whether the migraines are linked to trigger factors, such as an allergy to a certain food. If not, there may be a skeletal cause, originating from a birth trauma or a fall. The child will be examined for structural imbalances in the pelvis, lower back and, most importantly, in the neck and jaw. Any problems found will be treated with the appropriate manipulation and mobilizing techniques to help correct them.


To help alleviate symptoms, hold the child’s hand and press from the end of the crease between the thumb and first finger towards the first finger bone.


The big toe relates to the head in reflexology so the therapist would concentrate on this area. The areas relat­ing to the spine and neck would also be worked on to help release tension. The whole foot would also be manipulated to treat the body as a whole.

Other therapies that may be beneficial: aromatherapy, Alexander Technique, osteopathy.