How to Treat a Woman Like a Queen

Women want to be treated like royalty. They want to be pampered and taken care of almost all the time. This is part of a woman: being delicate and feminine. Men, on the other hand, can be quite clueless about these things. When pursuing a woman, men will execute grand gestures. But upon winning her heart, some women notice that chivalry soon fades. If you are in a relationship with a woman, here are some tips on what you can do to make her feel like a queen.


  • Call her. Women love to talk, and they would love to know you feel the same way. Since women know men are hardly interested in conversation, calling her just to check to see if she is okay or ask how her day has been will make her feel special.

  • Avoid looking at other girls while you are with her. Since men are visual, they are tempted to look at every attractive lady who passes their way. This does not necessarily mean he will call off the relationship and pursue that girl, but gestures like this can really make a girl jealous. So as much as you can, resist looking at other girls and glue your eyes on your girlfriend alone.
  • Cook her favorite meal. Women are expected to be the ones to handle the kitchen work, but it will delight her to know you went of your way to cook for her. You can learn how to prepare her favorite dish and surprise her with it on a dinner date.
  • Give her flowers on a random day. Do not wait for Valentine’s Day or her birthday to give her flowers. Flowers express love even when given without any occasion. She will even feel even more special if deliver the flowers personally to her at work.
  • Be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on. Not only does she regard you as her boyfriend, but she also expects you to be her best friend. Part of being a best friend is being able to comfort her when she needs it. She needs to know you are there for her. You don’t need to talk:  just hugging her or sitting beside her when she feels sad is enough.
  • Give her the gift she wants. Most women might not admit it, but any woman appreciates a gift—especially if it comes from someone she loves. It doesn’t have to be grand; any gift would be appreciated because she’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness even more than the value of the gift.
  • Write her a letter and put it somewhere she will find it. Writing letters is underrated because of our fast-paced technology, but discovering you took time to write her a letter (coupled with your attempt to be romantic) will make her feel like she has the best guy in the world.