How to Treat a Girl on a Date

Whether it is your first time to take a lady on a date or the 100th date since you married many years ago, a woman always appreciates it when you treat her nicely. Dating serves as a time to get to know the other person or just to simply spend time with him. If you’re looking for a great date night activity, check out Secret Chambers escape room.

  • First and foremost, do not be overdressed or underdressed. Women generally love fashion, so they tend to be up to date regarding what is and is not fashionable. A safe way to dress up is to pick a classic ensemble. Pick a color that is neutral—so no bright pinks or neon greens. The way you dress speaks for itself. Be neat and smell good.

  • Compliment your date. You might not know it, but before a date a woman usually takes days before finally deciding what to wear. On the day of the date itself she takes hours to prepare. Make her feel her efforts are not wasted by complimenting the way she looks. A compliment sets you on the right track for a successful date.
  • Give her flowers. Girls always like it when they receive flowers. Flowers can be a sign of affection and appreciation. Pick something simple. Giving her something that is too grand might imply you want to show off.
  • Walk beside your date. Be cautious with your walking position. Do not walk ahead of your date, as it is disrespectful. Also, make sure that while walking on the street you take the “danger side” where cars usually pass. When crossing a street, assist her by putting your hand on her back or elbows.
  • Open doors. It is gentlemanly to open the doors for your date. If you both arrive at the venue of the date in your car, hurry to get out and open the door of the car for her. As you enter the restaurant, open the door for her. These seem like little gestures, but they mean something to women.
  • Find a good restaurant or café online and let her order first. As you go about the menu, ask her first of what she would like to eat. You might have decided what to order, but be sure to wait for her to decide as well. This will show you put her interest first before your own.
  • Talk politely. Some people can get too comfortable and tend to talk incessantly without restrictions. You should be aware that women scan whatever you say in their minds. If you talk rudely and with a loud voice, she will assume you are a jerk. If you do not talk at all she will think you are bored and not interested. Know what to talk about and which topics should be kept private.
  • Focus only on her. Make her feel that tonight is her night. As much as you want to talk about yourself and your accomplishments, try to get to know more about her so you seem really interested in her. Do not talk about other women while you are with her, an do not look around the room at other women. Girls are keen observers; they will know when you are true and when you are playing.