How to Track a Private Plane

You would be thinking that it’s not possible to track the private planes. As the tracking system works only for the commercial planes. But you are wrong as a private plane can also be tracked by the use of Flight Aware website. From this website you can get information regarding the status of the plane’s flight.

The following steps will help you discover the ways by which you can track a private plane:


  • The most essential information required for tracking the plane is the “tail number” of the plane. You cannot track any aircraft without knowing its tail number. This number starts with “N” if it’s based in USA but with “G” if it is registered in Canada. Tail number is actually the registration number of the plane. Since, every plane does have its own registration number so do not need to worry. If you cannot find the registration number, search the database of FAA. There you’ll definitely find your aircraft’s tail number.

  • Go to the website of Flight Aware. It’s a free flight tracking portal. Enter the tail number of your plane and find if it’s active or not. Confirm that the pilot has made an IFR trip plan.
  • Click on “Live Tracking” on the left menu on the Flight Aware website. Enter the tail number of the plane and press return. A new window will be opened and it will show you all the required information; the type of the plane, the time it took off, where it is moving etc.
  • There will also be a map shown on the screen. Open the window in the full screen mode. Now you can get the motion of the plane over the map with which you can track it. If the screen is not in the full screen mode, the updated motion will not be shown. So remember that you have to open the screen in full screen mode.
  • Since the system is updated per minute so you’ll not get the exact point where the plane is. But you can definitely get an idea what area the plane is in.

If your plane is on any instrumental plan, it will appear to stop on the screen before the destination is reached. Don’t panic that the plane has crashed. The plane is safe and it’s just your screen which is showing you as if it has stopped before the destination has reached. In this situation, try to reload the page again and again to get the updated information about its movement.