It is very common in our society that people send their kids to schools at a very little age. They think that their children will get schooling from that age; hence they will get their education completed at young age. However sometimes this doesn’t give good results; the reason is that kids do not handle the stress of the school at that age and show poor results. The solution to the problem does exist. You can teach your children the basic concepts of different subjects at a young age with proper preschool education. You may also consider enrolling your children in academic summer camps.
PCS Classical is a Spring Texas Private School and math tutoring center offering Classical education that shared ways by which you can teach the preschoolers math concepts:
- Easiest way is to start with sorting games. You can put different things of various colors in a plate and ask your kids to sort them out. You can develop the children’s interest by using the things they like the most. You can place their favorite chocolate in the plate; similarly a toy of their favor can also be used. This game would be of great interest to your children and they would soon start learning.
- Take another box and place in it the stuff with different sizes. You can ask your children to sort the things out in accord with their sizes. Similarly you can ask them to collect the items with certain color.
- Once your child is able to sort and count things, you can start teaching them the digits. This can be done by using a number chart. Take a chart and divide it into ten equal parts. Now write the digits from 1 to 10 on these parts. Your own number chart is ready.
- Now hang the chart on any wall and ask your children to put the set of the things they have sorted out, in the corresponding part of the number chart. For instance, they should put the three candies found in the division with ‘3’ written on it. Similarly they should put the four paper clips on the division ‘4’. This will surely help them to understand the digits.
- Now the difficult part is to teach them to write the digits. This can be made easy for them to learn and also for you to teach by using pudding or shaving cream. You can write the digits with the cream on the table. They will enjoy it as it will surely excite them. If you are afraid that your child will lick it, using pudding will be the better option.
Teaching preschoolers math concepts is really a very hectic task. However, it can be done successfully if you follow the above given guide.