How to Target Your Shoulders Using Yoga

Yoga is a very popular form of exercise today. It is used to both work the body while calming the mind and effecting the spirit. People who practice Yoga claims that it enhances your body and your flexibility. Yoga is comprised of a series of different stretches and positions that stretches the body, tones the body helps to make the body strong and flexible with low impact exercise. Yoga requires stretching and breathing and some dedication. Some poses demand an added level of mobility and flexibility in the shoulders. If your need to target your shoulders, Yoga is a dafe form of exercise to do it. You will have better posture and even batting averages. Here is how you can target your shoulders using Yoga. Read on.


Step 1

Practice stretching your shoulder muscles to increase flexibility with the wheel pose. In the wheel pose position you lay flat on the back. Bend your back until you are in the position of holding your body upside down with your legs and arms on the floor. This position places a substantial amount of pressure on the shoulder area. It strengthens and makes the muscles flexible. Don’t forget to breathe properly in this position.

Step 2

You should utilize different Yoga poses that will strengthen and stretch the shoulder muscles. Use the cobra pose, the downward dog pose, the triangle pose and the side plant pose. These poses also involve other parts of the body, but you should take advantage of the benefits that they also have on the shoulders.

Step 3

You can also opt to use the shoulders to ears pose. Implement this into your overall workout. Do this by raising the shoulders up until they are touching your ears. You should feel the work through your shoulders. Inhale on your way up and exhale when you come back to the starting position.

Step 4

Breathing is very important.  Make every effort to breathe properly during any Yoga exercise you are executing at the moment. Proper breathing increases circulation and replaces the oxygen back into the body and this means your shoulder muscles. The biggest advantage is that deep breathing is a stress reliever all by itself.

Step 5

Make a routine with set number of repetitions for each exercise. Alternate sets with poses that use other parts of the body. Use these exercises daily to cure your shoulder ailment. You can continue to strengthen the shoulders on a routine basis even after your ailment is gone. After your Yoga routine expect to feel slight soreness. This is evidence that youe regimen is working and that the muscles in the shoulders are being rebuilt and made flexible.