How to Take Care of Handicapped Rabbits

Caring for a disabled rabbit can be a laborious and emotionally daunting job. Rabbits that can no longer hop unassisted rely on their caregivers to make daily assessments and necessary adjustments for implementing new ways to achieve exercise and life enriching activities. They must also make difficult decisions about what is best for their rabbit. It’s a commitment of time and energy to care for a rabbit. If you can’t, then perhaps you know someone who can help or who would be willing to take on a disabled rabbit.

  • Get a couple of faux lamb’s wool baby size blankets or fabric or Quiet Time Kennel pads or even cheap soft towels.
  • Be sure the litter box is accessible and see scoop on litter for one idea or cut down one side of a cat box.
  • Forget the Cage, if you can.  Get a good size cat or dog pillow bed (instead of a cage) that’s washable.
  • Food & Water: Make sure food, hay and water are close enough to reach.

  • Buy rabbit shampoo in case you need to clean up the rabbit’s rear. Make sure there are no flies in the rabbit’s living area
  • If urine scald becomes a problem your veterinarian has more potent medicines that can be applied. Be alert for signs of sores on the bottom of the rabbit’s feet.
  • Take Your Rabbit’s Temperature and keep a bag of peas in the freezer in case the rabbit has a high temperature and needs to be cooled down. Lay the rabbit over the bag (wrapped in a hand towel) on its stomach for a few minutes.
  • If the rabbit can’t keep on weight, then this is the one time alfalfa hay is okay to feed your rabbit. Monitor intake of food and water and switch to alfalfa pellets and hay to keep weight on. Be sure the bunny doesn’t get
  • dehydrated.
  • Help the rabbit with grooming such as brushing with a soft brush. Trim fur around the rabbit’s bottom to help keep clean if needed. Buy blunt nosed scissors at a pet store to trim fur. Remember rabbit skin is fragile and tear easily so be careful.
  • Put the rabbit where there is activity, but not where there is constant loud noise. Keep the rabbit out of drafts and too much heat.
  • Consider getting an older rabbit companion who is calm and would be good for companionship, affection and keeping the disabled bunny mentally stimulated.