How to Stop Scam and Virus Problems

If you use internet regularly, you would have suffered with malicious programs like viruses. These things are made not to actually destroy your stuff but to force you to do some important thing. Like, it can infect your Internet Explorer in a way that it will open a particular website whenever you start browsing. So, these viruses can disturb you badly.

If you get information about these types of stuff, you’ll get to know that even the white house is not safe at all from these scams and viruses. But do not worry. If these evil programs exist, there antidotes also exist. Following are the ways by which you can protect your computer to get such kind of viruses:


  • Do not be fool by sneaky emails. You should have an idea about the sender of the emails. If you get any email and you are not sure that who the sender is, do not reply him. People can send you emails by tricking you too. They can use the names of your closed ones, so be careful. Do see the email address and other information of the sender before replying him or her.

  • If you think there is something fishy about any email, simply delete it. There can be emails that urge you to click on the links in them. Do not ever try to click on such links.
  • If an email arrives with any kind of offer and you do not know the sender. Verify the sender first. For example if the email comes from, do visit and get information about that offer. If you think that’s the right offer and the company is legitimate, reply to that email. Otherwise simply delete it. Don’t bother about that offer again.
  • Purchase a good antivirus and keep it updated by maintaining the subscription. This will help you by protecting your computer from such evil programs.
  • Do a little research about the antivirus programs before buying any. You should know what type of antivirus will be effective for you.
  • Try to open websites from Google’s “I’m feeling lucky” option. If the website would be having any virus in it, Google will automatically block it from being opened. This is an old tool on Google which can be used for this purpose too.

Just like human diseases, these viruses and scam problems are computer diseases. You can prevent your computer to get infected by taking special care of it. Otherwise cure is always available. But prevention should be your preference rather than the cure.

Further Readings: