How to Stop Puppies from Biting

Not everyone knows how to best deal with puppies when they first get them. Nowadays you can even find Hypoallergenic Puppies for Sale, so people that may have avoided having dogs as pets now have a chance to do so. Unfortunately, their previous allergies would mean that they lack even passing experience on how to properly care for and treat a puppy, and as such some behaviors that are best stopped early could develop into larger issues.

Biting and aggressive nibbling are normal for puppies, although it is very important to halt this unacceptable behavior before your pet reaches adulthood. A dog’s bite can become infectious at the adult stage. To help you train your dogs to stop biting, here are a few tips.

  • You should begin training your puppy as early as when it is six weeks old.
  • When your puppy bites you, issue a firm “No!” Teach him that his biting causes you pain. You could also yelp like dog. This is a natural reaction a puppy would receive if another puppy bites too hard. It will teach him to be gentle the next time around.

  • If she bites your hand, remove it gently. Do not react aggressively. Give her a toy she can chomp on or play with.
  • If your puppy bites you again, yelp again or say “No!” Leave the room and do not return for a few minutes. This will make your puppy feel that if he repeats that kind of action again, he will lose his playmate. This will also show the kind of reaction he will get from another puppy.
  • Be persistent. Train your puppy until she gets it. Continue saying “No!” or yelping whenever she bites you. Leave the room if you have to. Make it known that the bites are harmful and can cause pain to humans. As this becomes clearer to her, the softer and gentler her bites will be.
  • Encourage your puppy when he shows good behavior. Pat his head and give him praise when he acts gentle, licks you or plays gently around you. This will reinforce to him that a good deed is rewarded.
  • Teach your puppy the “Off” command. When your puppy stops biting, hold dry dog goods in your palm and close your hand. Say “Off.” If the puppy does not touch that hand within a few seconds, open it and say “Get it.” This will teach your puppy that “Off” is “Do not touch.”
  • Be persistent in saying “No!” if the puppy starts biting again. When you see a bite coming, say “Off!”
  • When your puppy is about six months old, you can enroll her in an obedience class for dogs. Your dog will learn to interact with a different environment. The school will also teach her the limits of dogs from people.

Tips and Warnings

  • If your home has young children, do not allow them to play with puppies without your guidance.
  • Teach and remind all the members of the family about the “No!” and “Off!” rules.
  • If this training does not seem to help and your dog seems to become more aggressive, consult with and take him to a veterinarian.
  • Set a stable schedule for playtime—preferably twice or thrice a week for at least 15 minutes.