How to Start Your Own Law of Attraction Workshop

Law of Attraction is a New Age principle populatized by the best-selling book and movie, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This New Age principle has affected millions of lives around the world. It teaches you how to attract abundance and happiness in your life. Although Law of Attraction has millions of followers around the world, there are still people who haven’t heard of it, or if they have, they need some guidance to effectively apply this principle in their lives. You can help them by conducting your own Law of Attraction workshop.

  • Design your course syllabus. Decide what topics you want to cover, what activities and assignments you will give your participants, how long your course will last, how many participants you can take in each class, where the location of the workshop will be, and how much fee you should charge per participant. Make it as detailed as possible and turn it into a full plan. It’s important to have a complete plan on hand before you start the workshop so you know exactly what to do and the time frame it takes to complete the course.

  • Find a location for your workshop. Some suggestions include an activity center,  a conference room of your local library, a hotel conference room, or a conference room or classroom in a university. If you would like to attract high-end clients, you can do a cruise seminar.
  • Know your target demographics for a particular class. If you have two workshops in a week or in a day, you may want to combine together those who already know about Law of Attraction and bring together those who haven’t heard of it or have encountered the term for the first time. This way, you can tailor your course depending on the level of knowledge of your attendees.
  • If your target market is within your city, it makes sense to send out flyers, tell your friends and family about it so they can also inform their network about your workshop, or advertise at local restaurants, coffee shops, and even bookstores. You may also announce it through your Facebook and Twitter. Include the details of your workshop in your flyers, including different ways to contact you.
  • Envision a successful workshop. True to the teachings of Law of Attraction, in order to have a successful workshop every time, you must imagine a fully-booked class, a group of engaging participants, and a successful outcome. Imagine all your participants thanking you for touching their lives and for teaching them valuable lessons that can last a lifetime. Having a clear vision of the outcome of your workshop will undoubtedly make it a success