How to Spot Pregnancy in the First Week

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman’s wife. Even at its earliest stages, some changes in the body may be evident. Pregnancy is a huge and immediate change in a woman’s body. There may be subtle signs that can indicate pregnancy as early as the first week of gestation. Most women who are in tune with their bodies are able to tell when pregnancy occurs. It’s normal to wait two weeks to be able to measure enough HCG  hormone for a home pregnancy test. Here are a few ways to recognize pregnancy in the first week.


Step 1

Fatigue is a definite early sign of pregnancy. Take special notice of your energy levels while carrying out normal day to day activities. If you are experiencing feelings of exhaustion or tiredness, this may be an indication of pregnancy. New mothers report these feelings as common.

Step 2

Pay special attention to your body. The body is enduring a surge in hormones and the effects become apparent in the body. As the hormone level increases, so can soreness in the female body.The increase in hormone levels lead to some noticeable changes in the body. Mothers report breast tenderness as an early indication of pregnancy. The breasts may feel more sensitive than usual, sore or even swollen.

Step 3

Light to medium cramping may be an indication that you are pregnant. The cramping will occur in your lower abdomen and could feel like your normal menstrual cramps. These cramps occur in some women when implantation occurs in the uterus of the female.

Step 4

Pay attention and see of there is spotting. If you notice any light spotting in between your period it could be a sign of early pregnancy. During the first seven days right up until the time frame of your normal menstruation there maybe some spotting. The blood can appear dark or brown in color. You may not experience any significant bleeding. This symptom usually occurs from 1-2 weeks post ovulation.

Step 5

If you are a woman who is very familiar with her body then your intuition may tell you if you’re pregnant. Pay attention to your feeling. You may be telling yourself that you are pregnant. While this is less definitive than other methods, it still could be a valid indication of whether pregnancy has occurred.

Step 6

If you are still unsure as to whether you are pregnant then you can always have a pregnancy test done. A clinical blood test can get positive or negative result 10 days after fertilization. A home pregnancy test can tell you a positive result in 10 to 20 days after ovulation.