How to Solve your Boss’ Problems and be Successful

Your boss plays a very crucial role in the advancement of your career. Whether you like it or not, it is your boss who will recommend you for that most coveted promotion. It is also your boss who will endorse you for a higher-paying job, should you decide to check out greener pastures. These are the reasons why you should always strive to impress your boss. The best way to ensure your success is to solve your boss’ problems.

Be one step ahead of your boss

You must always be aware that your boss is a busy person with of things on his mind. This being the case, you must anticipate his needs. The only way to do this is to truly understand the goals of your entire department or company. When you have taken these goals at heart, you will understand what needs to be done. Do not wait for your boss to tell you to do things which in the first place are expected of you. Have enough initiative to prepare and address his needs even before he realizes that he needs them.

Solve Boss' Problems

Respect his time

Time is a precious commodity for your boss. Even if your boss is late during meetings he called, continue to go on time. This shows him that you are dedicated, and eventually, he will work hard so that he could come earlier than usual. Respect as well, the time of your fellow workers. Avoid eating up their time by constantly chatting to them during office hours. Who knows, your co-workers might be asked by your boss when conducting your performance evaluation.

Espouse professionalism at all times

Whenever your boss has assigned to you to a particular project, always be prepared to report on the status of that project. This shows your boss that you are on top of things. In return, you just saved your boss some precious time and energy because he does not need to actually immerse himself to work that he has already delegated.

Take note though, that even if you have been tasked to be the project leader, your boss is still your boss. Do not make crucial decisions without consulting him. Most importantly, do not tell him what to do. Learn the skill of effective influencing.

Do not ask unimportant questions

Pay attention when your boss starts assigning work to you. There is nothing more irritating than having to repeat everything that has been clearly said simply because you have been daydreaming. Ask questions only if you really need to clear something up. You may also ask your co-workers questions as to minute details. Your boss is your visionary; he does not have much time to spend in teaching you the ropes of the job.

Solve Boss' Problems

Avoid being an eager-beaver

Your boss will appreciate worthy suggestions. Veer away from statements that simply stroke his ego. This might be flattering at first, but done often, it would create the impression that you really have nothing to share.

Prove to your boss that you are worthy of your job. Remember that the one way to make him truly happy is to be the best that you can be in your job.