How to Self Publish a Book

Some authors are choosing to publish their books on their own. Self publishing can be a quick and cost friendly way of publishing works. This process allows the author to control the entire process of publishing which is the most attractive advantage. The pay is considerably higher than standard royalty contracts. However, there are some disadvantages authors have to deal with when choosing not to use a major publisher.


Things You’ll Need:

  • Samples from printers
  • Book designer
  • Competitor’s books

Step 1

You should have a clear idea of what your short and long term goals on this project. Some authors only have goals of publishing a book to share with close family and friends. Other authors have ambitions of marketing their work on a large scale.

Step 2

Research your topic. You can easily find out how books that cover your same topic are being received and supported in the marketplace. The success of these similar titles can be a factor in determining whether you want to proceed with that particular subject matter. Simply find the ISBN of the book you’d like sales information on and call a book distributor to get the exact number of copies it sold in the last year.

Step 3

Decide which format best suits your title. You can choose to publish a hard cover, soft cover or a paperless version called an e-book. E-books are cost effective and come in electronic file format.

Step 4

Hardcover Book Printing services may be able to satisfy your printing needs. If you want to do a short run job (25-500 copies) these vanity presses can do those with ease for a decent price. They use high end copiers as opposed to the traditional ink-based printing equipment. They also employ the use of transferring digital files from a pay layout program to a high speed copier. The finished product is perfectly machine bound for a clean and professional look. You can also visit sites likeĀ for more printing options.

Step 5

There is the option of printing your book using your final complete files and a director press printer. This method eliminates the need to create a film for each color on a page. The files are transferred to the printing plate. This saves you money on film over head and time.

Step 6

Determine the exact costs for your book publishing. Graphic design, artwork, printing, copy editing and photography should all be included. A larger publishing house would normally absorb these fees. However, your creative control is limited in that event that they do.

Step 7

Apply for an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). You can go to ISBN,org for more information. The cost for 10 ISBNs is $150. The processing fee is an additional $75.

Step 8

Make arrangements for the printed copies of your book to be mailed directly to you. Prepare yourself to approach stores and businesses directly about carrying your book. Also, you may choose to deal with mail orders personally.