How to Select a Universal Remote

At home we have many devices for entertainment. They include the HDTV, the DVD player, the cable or the satellite box, and the stereo. All these devices can be remote operated and each device has a remote. Misplacing or using the wrong remote is common problem at home. To avoid confusion and tension we can choose a universal remote.

These universal remotes are used to control the various devices in our entertainment room. There are various brands available. We have to select the best one. For this here are certain ideas in this article for selecting a universal remote.

  • The first thing is we have to decide is, how many devices we wish to control using the universal remote. This is because there are certain universal remotes which control only minimum number of devices and there are certain universal remotes which can control more hence we have to make a decision about the number of devices we need to control using the universal remote.
  • We have to first check the remotes we have. Some of the remotes we have could be used as a universal remote by just programming it for controlling one and more electronic device. A television remote can also be used to control a DVD or CD player or even the cable box. We have to just program the remote to perform this function.
  • The next thing is that we have to take the remotes along with us while selecting a universal remote. This is because of the fact that the universal remotes don’t support all the functions performed by the individual remotes. Certain functions like multiple disc changers etc. may not be present in the universal remote. We must either scarify the function or look for the next universal remote with the features we expect.
  • The next thing is the budget for our purchase. Universal remotes are available at various prices ranging from minimum of $10 to the maximum of $50. We should not buy the cheapest remote. This is because of the fact that the cheapest remote has the least feature available. The moderate cost remotes could control two or more devices. While selecting based on the price tag of the universal remote we have to consider the number of devices we could control and features which we could compromise.
  • There are two kinds of universal remotes, which are programmable universal remote, and learning universal remote. The programmable universal remote operates when a code is entered. With these programmable universal remote we can program it to control certain devices with required features. If we are not comfortable with the programmable universal remote we can choose the learning universal remote which is programmed automatically.
  • The final thing is that we have to read the reviews of persons who have bought certain universal remotes and used them. Their reviews could give us an idea towards selecting the universal remote. The reviews which are available in online websites discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the universal remote.

The universal remote is of good convenience since it helps to control various devices at a time with a single control.