How to Save Time in the Morning

Each day brings with it the promise of a new beginning. Wake up ready to make the most of every minute. Open your eyes and look around you. See the morning light. Enjoy the moment. Seize the day. Rise and truly shine.

How you wake up in the morning determines what you accomplish during the day. Think about it. If you have overslept the panic sets in as you race around the house trying to catch up with yourself; your day goes from bad to worse as you have to squeeze more things into less time. Be in control of each new day. Know what you need and where to get it. Relax. Take care of your body. Take time in the bathroom. Enjoy the process. Invigorate yourself in the shower.

Save time. Clear out your wardrobe. Make space for the things that you really use. Develop a ‘uniform’ to limit the indecision of what to wear. It doesn’t have to be boring: a few basics and key accessories can produce a number of different combinations for any occasion. Make sure you have the essentials in your bathroom: the shampoo should be within reach and clean towels waiting for when you step out of the shower. Your bathroom time is precious: use it to luxuriate before a hectic day and make it a pleasurable experience.

Leave the bedroom and bathroom as you would like to see them when you return. There is nothing worse than an unmade bed or clothes strewn across the floor when you are ready to retreat for a peaceful evening. It only takes a few minutes. Make it a habit. Most importantly, schedule some time to sit and have your morning coffee or tea. And don’t forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Don’t leave your house with an empty tummy – you need the energy. Gather your thoughts. Make a list of what you hope to achieve during the day. Think about the things you didn’t accomplish yesterday and why you were unable to get them done. Do them first thing today.

Today is a present. This is its beauty; you never know what it contains until it has been revealed. No matter what it holds, embrace it with enthusiasm. Go on, make your day.

10 ways to save time in the morning

You can stay in bed longer or, better still, get up and enjoy those extra few minutes.

  • Wash your hair the night before.
  • Lay out your clothes for the next day before you undress at night.
  • Don’t iron in the morning.
  • Get your breakfast things ready before you go to bed.
  • Don’t leave any dirty dishes in the sink from the night before.
  • Colour-code your wardrobe. It really does help.
  • Organise your underwear drawer so that you can find things quickly.
  • Gather everything you need to take with you in one place.
  • Always keep your keys in the same place.
  • Do one job today that you have on your list to do tomorrow.