People ride bikes for all sorts of reasons. Riding a bicycle for fun or for exercise is a great way to stay healthy. Unfortunately, icy and slick weather conditions can turn bicycling into a dangerous activity. Don’t take off with your bike on icy roads until you’ve taken the proper precautions for your safety.
No matter what the weather, smart bicyclists don’t head out on the road without their helmet. In many states, riding a bicycle without a helmet is against the law. While you might be getting a work out pedaling, wearing layers of warm clothing in chilly weather can keep you warm on the ride, and ward off the cold, in case you fall and become injured. If you get into an accident and a reckless driver is at fault, you can contact this injury law firm in long island ny to get compensation for your injuries. Also for any season, choose riding gear that is brightly colored and easily seen by drivers, pedestrians and other cyclists. In addition, make sure you have on gloves to protect your hands and also wear a face cover if the wind is strong enough to chap your lips and face.
It’ always a good idea if someone knows where you’re going. In the event of an accident, they’ll know where to look. Let them know what time you plan to arrive at your destination. While experts advise against riding in icy conditions, sometimes the trip cannot be avoided. Still, if the situation gets too bad, and you feel that further travel is unsafe, you should stop and either call someone for a ride, or try to wait until conditions improve.
Lowering your speed on icy roads is the best way avoid accidents. Be aware that more distance is required to brake on ice, even if the roads have been salted. Unsalted roads can transform a simple stop to a major skid. Check out your entire bike before you head out to ride on ice. Make sure it has the reflectors to increase your visibility and that the tires are inflated properly. Check out the brake cables and oil those gears. Proper maintenance is a priority in bicycle safety.
Riding a bike on ice isn’t the safest way to travel. Still, taking proper precautions including a helmet and warm, highly visible clothing, a thorough check of your bike’s condition and riding smart can help you to stay on the road and to stay out of the hospital.
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