Smoke stains can ruin the look of any room. The unsightly stains can be easy to remove depending on how long the stain has been allowed to set it. Smoke in your walls don’t necessarily have to come from a fire. If you smoke cigarettes, use a fireplace or use candles, they can cause stains on walls. These stains need to be cleaned immediately or they will become difficult to remove. When attempting to repair the state of your walls you need to take several precautions. Most people think they can remedy the situation by painting over the stain. This does more harm than good. Don’t attempt to paint directly over the stains because they may become visible through the new paint. Also, once the stains have been painted over, they are extremely difficult to remove. You can easily remove smoke stains with the proper materials. Here are a few easy steps on how you can remove smoke stains from your walls.
Things You’ll Need:
- Fan
- Drop cloth
- Safety goggles
- Rubber gloves
- Dry sponge
- Water
- Paint thinner
- Soft cloth
- White vinegar
- Bowl
- Sponge
Step 1
Make sure the room you are treating the walls in is well ventilated. Open any windows that are in the room. If you have a fan, use your fan to promote airflow through the space. Also, use a drop cloth to catch any solution that may drop on hardwood floors or carpeted areas. Use this cloth to protect your floor surface from soot and other potential damaging material.
Step 2
Safety comes first. Make sure you use protective eyewear and rubber gloves to protect your eyes and hand from chemical and soot exposure. Use the clean, dry sponge to remove any soot from the stained area.
Step 2
We will remove the remaining stain with paint thinner. Apply the paint thinner to a clean, soft cloth. Apply the paint thinner and rub the soiled area with the cloth. Make sure your sponge doesn’t become so soiled that your replacing the soot back into the wall. If your sponge becomes too soiled, then apply some paint thinner to a new sponge. Make sure that all of the stain is completely removed. After this step allow the wall to completely air dry.
1.Step 3
Mix equal parts regular white vinegar with warm water together in a bowl. Allow a clean, dry sponge to soak up the water and vinegar mixture. Apply the vinegar and water directly to the smoke stain on the wall. Rub the area until all signs of the stain are gone. Allow the wall to completely air dry.
Step 4
Check to make sure all the smoke stains have been removed. If they are not fully removed, you may repeat this process.
Step 5
After the smoke stains have been removed you may repaint your wall with any color you like.