The Clone Stamp Tool, which takes a sample of an image and lets you stamp it over an area, is very effective for removing unwanted artifacts such as dust and scratches from your photos. It is commonly used for removing specks from the sky in landscape photos and eradicating facial blemishes and scars from portraits. Let’s see how it works in this tutorial.
- Select [File]-[Open] from the menu bar. The Open dialog box appears.
- Open the image
- Select the Zoom Tool from the toolbar. Click and drag over the image to magnify it. On closer inspection, we can see some spots on the model’s right cheek.
- Select the Clone Stamp Tool from the toolbar. In the options bar, set Brush to Soft Round and Brush Size to 50 pixels.
- Hold down the [Alt] key, and click on a flawless patch of skin near a spot to make a copy. As you hold down the [Alt] key, a crosshair appears in your circular pointer to indicate that you are in sampling mode.
- Stamp on a spot. This copies the flawless skin from the previous step onto the blemish, thus covering it up. As every click will paint on more of the sample, the clone can become quite obvious if you stamp too many times.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all the spots are removed.
- Next, let’s remove the redness from the model’s face. Select the Sponge Tool from the toolbox. In the options bar, set the Brush Size to 350 pixels and Mode to Desaturate. You need to set the Sponge Tool to Desaturate in order to remove the color information from the skin.
- Click and drag this tool over the red areas to remove them.
- When using the Sponge Tool to remove color from the face, always check your progress as you go along because if you overdo it, you may end up with a black-and-white picture. If you did overdo it, change the mode to Saturate in the options bar. Then click and drag the tool over the area to enhance the color.