How to Reduce Tension at a Workplace

Working with different type of peoples, of different demeanors is challenging. Flaring up of tempers and clashing of attitudes is almost certain. You must be able to sense when to speak and what to speak before the situation gets out of control. No one likes being with a colleague, who’s hard to work with. Working together with peace at the workplace motivates and inculcates the desire for learning ways of reducing anger in others, in the workplace. Several things happen when people work daily all day. Either people bond or bitterness crops in. Stress and personal tensions also acts a catalyst in developing this bitterness, especially when some deadline is approaching.

If you feel there is some tension in your colleagues, there are several things you can do. You can inform your manager about what is there, or you may also try handling the situation yourself. There are many books and video tapes regarding this, available for both rent and purchase. Many workshops are also there but the employer has to setup these. These are usually of a day’s duration but some of the more superior ones can be of a longer duration.

You should always be focused, calm and confident. The situation shouldn’t be able to spark you off for something. Observe the changes in the voice pitch, and see to the irregular mood swings. Always talk as a group to the person(s). Ask each one of them separately, about their problems. Let all of them (including you) try reaching a cordial solution. Take and suggestions from others and give them yours. If you’re in a managerial position then you can organize a stress-curbing group session occasionally. Everyone should be able to breathe and vent. This is because a solution need not always be mutual.

All possible problems come up to everyone’s notice when things are discussed, so that they can be dealt with. People should get chances to talk about their likes, dislikes and their concerns and sources of tensions. Everyone should also get a chance to give their opinions. Talking things out helps in reducing tension at a workplace. When one unburdens himself from some concerns, he/she feels lighter and less stressed out. This is remedial approach which demands nothing financial. But you’ll see the tension reducing and enjoy a more pleasant workplace.

You can also make others write about their reasons for anger and tension. Writing on paper is often easier than speaking verbally. This will give an opportunity to you and your workmates to root out the cause and ultimately reducing tension. This can be relative, frustrating for some and simple for the others.