How to React If Your Car Speeds Out of Control

There are some risks that come along with being in the driver seat. Recently, there have been many occurrences of cars malfunctioning due to accelerators becoming stuck. Toyota has issued a public apology about their vehicles having fault. If this respected manufacturer can produce this fault in its line, then it is possible that this could happen with any car made. Having your car speed out of control can be an extremely scary occurrence. But, if this does happen while you are driving, then you can be comforted by the fact that you know how to counteract any panic that might ensue. These suggestions can help save your life. A mechanical malfunction of this magnitude can lead to a speeding violation, if that unfortunately happens then you need to know how to fix traffic tickets las vegas. Here is the proper way to react if your car speeds out of control.


Step 1

Shift Your Vehicle into Neutral Gear

Your first reaction should be to shift your vehicle into neutral gear. This disengages the engine from the transmission. This disables the engine from speeding up further. According to a transmission repair specialist, if you drive a car with a used transmission then this should be fairly easy. A car with an automatic transmission may be slightly harder to shift into neutral. A way you can make yourself comfortable is practice shifting your car into the neutral position while your car is parked but running. When you shift your car into neutral, the engine will sound as if it is revving up. This is the way it should sound.

Step 2

Depress the Brake Pedal

When you place your car in neutral gear, immediately after, you should depress the brake pedal. Make sure you apply all of your body weight when you’re depressing the break. Apply even constant pressure. Do not pump the brake pedal. This can break the engine’s vacuum effect that is needed to bring the car to a complete stop. Also, do not apply the parking brake. This brake mechanism is not as strong as the brake pedal and is also harder to actually control. You should do this as you are placing your car in neutral or right after you do so.

Step 3

If you do these two things correctly and in a timely fashion, it should assist you in slowing your vehicle down and bringing it to a complete stop. However, if these first two steps aren’t successful, there are more ways to help.

Step 4

Wedge Your Foot under the Accelerator Pedal

Take off your shoes and attempt to put your foot or toe underneath the accelerator pedal. Try to move the accelerator pedal up. This should slow the vehicle. If this does not succeed in bringing your vehicle to a stop, then you should begin to prepare yourself to react to what is inevitable. Move on to the next step.

Step 5

Steer Your Vehicle

Try your best to continue to steer your vehicle to the safest end as possible.  You can help save your life and the lives of passengers by doing this. Use things nearby like guardrail or a grate strip along the side of the road to stop the car. Prepare yourself for possible collision. Take the safest course of action. If collision happened, it is best to bring your car to a collision repair shop and have it fixed.

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