How to Raise Pigeons

Pigeons have long been stereotyped by people as common, smelly, or pest birds because of their common occurrence in America. Truth be told, pigeons have many likable qualities that are unlike any other bird. Pigeons have a great sense of direction known as homing instincts, which makes them excellent pets. Taking care of a pigeon is easy as long as you follow the appropriate ramifications consistently.

Housing: Choose a quiet area safe from pets or small children. If you don’t have a large birdcage, find a cardboard box, clean laundry basket or large dresser drawer. A window screen or an unused oven rack makes a good temporary cover but be very careful, an oven rack will crush the pigeon if it falls on it! Line the pigeons quarters with fresh newspaper and change it daily. The pigeons quarters should be partially covered and darkened at night for sleeping. Do not leave cats or dogs alone with the pigeon!

Water:  Always begin with plenty of fresh water, life runs on the simplest stuff and this begins with clean drinking water. Water should be offered in a shallow dish, such as a pudding dish. A banded pigeon lost during a race is likely exhausted and very thirsty. You may include avian vitamins in the water, such as Nekton-S, but follow dilution rates carefully. Diluted PediaLyte and even Gatorade (mixed 50-50 with water) can help restore a tired pigeons vitality. As pigeons enjoy an occasional bath, room temperature water in a large shallow container is also appreciated.

Feed: A pigeon mix containing finely cracked corn, millet, poso and other seeds are recommended. In a pinch, any wild bird feed or canary mix will do. Pigeons also enjoy safflower, thistle, small sunflower, sesame and other small seeds. Other treats can include dry, small split green peas, crushed peanuts and unpopped popcorn. Thawed frozen peas and corn are also welcome treats.

Grit: Go ahead and feed the pigeon but plan to pick up some grit. Pigeons do not hull their seeds, but swallow them whole. To grind the seeds for digestion, pigeons require a supply of grit. High calcium grit, such as LM Animal Farms, is best. Grit should be offered separate of the pigeon feed. This way the pigeon takes in as much grit as it needs and no more, as accidental over ingestion of grit is dangerous to your pigeons health.

Bonding: As time passes you and your pigeon will learn a lot from one another. Always speak gently and provide a safe and quiet atmosphere for the pigeon while cleaning its quarters, changing water, etc. Pigeons can be very affectionate.

Long Term Housing: There are many innovative, inexpensive and safe solutions for the long-term housing of a pigeon.