HDTV, the new format which is slowly but is gradually taking over the analog TV format is been used after the great World War II. Then the latter was framed for ordinary cathode-ray tube TV sets, and does not maximize the quality of image that is used now a day’s high-end TV’s. HDTV not only allows enjoying the larger definition resolution of videos, movies in TV, but also gives five times than the resolution when compared to traditional television systems. (LCD) Liquid Crystal Display HDTV is the rapidly growing television, but as it has wide range of choice, there is confusion in choosing the best one. Below are some factors to consider while purchasing LCD HDTV.
- Here resolution also counts. The highest currently available resolution for home entertainment is 1080p resolution (1920 / 1080 pixels). In order to maximize the HDTV experience, 1080p resolution is best. Don’t be fooled by so called “1080i LCD TVs”, as their real resolution is just 1366 /768 pixels, which is a resolution that is half the true 1080p model, yet, the view is virtually indistinguishable when viewed from distance. So choosing the 1080p model is preferable if planned to watch HDTV frequently at closer distances.
- Then measure and have a survey of the area you planned to place LCD HDTV. Be sure in measuring the maximum dimension of TV that it can occupy in that space. Also consider enough space for other components to hook up with LCD HDTV (Blue-ray player, Xbox, speakers, etc.) while measuring. Critics of LCD HDTV format predict that there is a grainy texture when TV is viewed very closely. So depending on size of TV, there should be adequate view distance between one’s seat and the screen.
- Pixel response should be good. Monitor must be able to manage image smearing during rapid movement, which is one such problem about LCD system. Now LCD TV’s 120Hz display technology provides a clear and quality image of motion. Though this feature is seen on more expensive units, its effects on image quality are seen clearly.
- Next are the viewing angles and the light control. It is an important factor to note the viewing angles when the LCD is used simultaneously by several people. Just walk around the TV and view it at different angles where a better LCD TV will provide a clear and quality picture for the broad range of angles.
- Ambient lighting in the room should also be considered. Glossy LCD screen produces slightly clearer views than matte-surface counterparts, but the latter reduces light reflections. To reduce eyestrain under dim light viewing conditions, backlight control is necessary. Adjusting backlights also helps saving power, and increases life of the LCD unit.
These are few factors noted while purchasing LCD HDTV. Browse other views as many as possible, and pick that suits needs and budget. Getting more expensive one is not useful, but important is that it fits home entertainment system well.