How to Pick a Goat

Like all animal husbandry practices, raising goats also means having to deal with housing units, purchasing hay feeders, choosing feeds and dietary supplements, learning how to improve forage quality, keeping out unwanted predators (especially wild animals in the surrounding areas,) health check up’s done by the vet, updating or buying tools and machineries, regular inspection done by the authorities, knowing the breeding cycle of goats, and most important of all, choosing what breed of goats you intend to keep.

  • If you want a companion goat, there are many excellent choices. However, since the goat will be a pet, you should never choose an un-neutered male. He will eventually grow to be aggressive. The neutered males, called withers and females are usually better pets. Additionally, you should consider choosing a miniature variety since your goat will be a pet. Minis are not as powerful as full sized goats. If you have fallen in love with a large goat breed, such as the La Mancha, you can search for a mini La Mancha that has the same characteristics as the full sized goat. These mini goats are created by crossing Pygmy goats with larger goats of another breed. After several generations of selective breeding, the breeder ends up with goats that look and act like the larger goat breed in miniature. Some of my favorite pet goats have been Pygmies, La Manchas, and Nubians.

  • With the rise in milk prices, many people are thinking about getting a dairy goat. If you are buying a goat for milk, you should take a serious look at Nubian goats. Although many people say these goats are a bit stupid, they usually have a nice personality and give plenty of milk for a family. The Nigerian goat is a miniature goat bred specifically to produce milk. Aline goats are popular milk goats, but can be a bit aggressive with other goats. La Mancha goats are also good milkers, but many people don’t like the way they look with their tiny, nubby ears.
  • Angora goats have long been the only choice when someone wanted to keep goats for fleece. However, this breed is delicate and needs a lot of TLC. Pygora goats, which are a cross between registered Pygmy and Angora goats, are smaller than Angoras, but much sturdier. This breed is growing more and more popular with spinners and weavers who keep their own goats.

Once you’ve decided why you want a goat and which breed you will buy, make sure you have adequate shelter and fencing for your new pet. Also, make sure you find a veterinarian who can help you with any health concerns. Finally, make sure you take the time to enjoy your new pet.