Most people are not aware they can open a bank account as well as business checking accounts without the use of a social security security number. The process to Open a Checking Account requires a little bit of knowledge and a bit of good social grace. Here is how to legally open a new bank account with the use of a social security number.
Step 1
Do some research as to which bank fits your financial needs. You don’t need an appointment. You can just walk into the bank and ask to see someone in charge of new accounts.
Step 2
Inform the bank that you have terminated your SSN (social security number).
Step 3
This can be done in accordance with United States Code of Federal Regulations. Title 20 CFR 3 A7 404.1905 will allow you to renounce your social security number.
Step 4
The bank may ask for proof that you indeed are familiar with this option and law. Simply provide them with this code number. This information should be sufficient for them to accept that you have terminated your social security number.
Step 5
If the bank representative begins to give you a negative response, gently remind the banker of the permissibility of this. Make it clear that there are no legal repercussions against the banking entity for not using a social security number to open up a new account from any applicant who is an American citizen.
Step 6
If you have to mention the United States Code of Federal Regulations under title 26 CFR 301.6109-1 © which states that banks do not have to legally attain a social security number from all account holders then mention it.
Step 7
If the bank still denies you an account after step 4 there is another step you can take. Express to the banking representative that under United States law it is a felony to force a citizen, coerce, threaten or in any other way mandate an American citizen to give their social security number in a unlawful way. Using methods that employ fear or deceit is expressly illegal to do.
Step 8
Ask to speak with someone in a managerial position.
Step 9
Allow the bank representative to speak with the bank management. If the manager or supervisor still denies you a new account at that banking institution you can make it clear you intend to take the matter to litigation. At this point, it is not common for a supervisor to refuse an account. This is because the denial of a new account is discriminatory and in direct violation of banking federal regulatory law. If you can not open a new account at the bank of your choice, then you may always try to open a new account at a different banking establishment.