Organizing a community festival is a big task – it’s rewarding but at the same time very tiring too. Community festivals are big events and to organize such an event successfully you have to plan everything in advance. Community festivals can be classified as get-togethers but they are not essentially a simple party or get-together that one could hold at his own residence. A community festival is visited by hundreds of people and hence arrangements need to be made accordingly as an event of this nature requires sophisticated organization. One of the many things which you must consider is the event’s security. To make proper arrangements about the security, one must coordinate with the police. You may also consider placing Retractable Stanchions to control the crowd and ensure the safety of the event goers as well as the performers. Fire department should also be consulted in order to ensure the safety of the visitors in case of any accident. In following paragraphs, we have discussed the organizational arrangements and the permit to hold a community festival. Have a read:
If your community festival is not very large and is being held at your own home then you don’t necessarily need a permit from the community authority. But if your community festival is a large event and stretches on a larger area and is expected to be visited by a huge number of visitors, then it’s important for you to get a governmental permit. In most urban areas, the organizers of a community festival need to get a governmental permit before arranging the event. In most cases, the local county authority or city government has special rules and regulations to allow permission for the event. The nature of permit needed to hold a community festival can differ from city to city and state to state. It’s better to call up your local city government office to gather information about the permit which you’re seeking. You can also visit the office yourself and meet the officer-in-charge yourself. It’s always good to gather some information about the permit before visiting the office as some counties allow up to a certain number of attendees without any permit. If you are expecting number of guests ranging from 751 to 3,000 you definitely need to get a permit to hold the event.
Sometimes you are required to get permits from more than one governmental department such as police department, traffic operations controller, fire and emergency control department, and planning department. It is most likely that each of them ask you to get approval. In addition to these approvals, you may need to get a mass gather permit. Sometimes you are also required to pay a certain amount of money as fee to get the mass gather permit.