How to Move a Patient

Sitting the patient up

You will want to sit the patient up for meals and as a change of position, but this is also the first step in lifting her or moving her from the bed to a chair.

  1. Fold the patient’s arms across her waist. Place your inside knee on the bed level with her hip, and your outside foot on the floor in line with her waist. With your knee bent, put both hands well under her shoulder blades.
  2. Keeping your arms straight sit back on your heels, letting your body weight lift the patient to the sitting position. If the patient is now going to get up or into a chair, with one hand supporting her back help her to swing her legs over the side of the bed.

Sit the patient up. Place your inside knee on the bed well behind her and your outside foot on the floor close to the bed. The patient should hold her right wrist with her left hand, and bend one knee. Slip your hands under her arms and grasp her forearms. Carry your body weight back­wards by thrusting with your outside leg until you are sitting on your heel. If possible get the patient to straighten her knee. Her buttocks are now in line with your thigh.

Lifting the patient up a low bed with a helper

This shoulder lift is suitable for two people working together. If you lift correctly, your backs should remain straight.

Sit the patient up and stand on either side of the bed. Place your inside leg on the bed level with the patient’s hips. Sit back on your heel. Your outside leg should be on the floor the foot and knee in line with the patient’s buttocks. Grasp your helper’s forearm under the patient’s thighs and press your shoulder into the patient’s armpit. Rest your outside hand on the bed at the point to which you want to move the Patient and have her arms resting on your backs.

Protecting yourself from injury

Moving a patient can cause you serious back injury if he is too heavy. Try to have a helper or mechanical aid available, and always follow these guidelines:

  • clear the floor space
  • keep your back straight: avoid arching it backwards or forwards
  • bend your knees, not your back
  • make your thigh muscles do the work
  • wear supporting shoes with low heels
  • always lift towards you, never awav from you: this gives you better control.

Encourage the patient to cooperate Always lift him up the bed: never drac him. The following lifts are designed tc protect you from injury.