Furnishing your home with costly furniture is most often an idea that is too good to be true. For even if you can afford it, you will be doubtful if you can maintain it. Buying costly furniture of superior quality is in your best interest only if you have knowledge to maintain it and can do so for long. It is pointless to buy something very expensive if you have to replace it soon. To make your couch or sleeper sofa last longer is not that difficult a job as it seems. You just have to imbibe the sofa maintenance in your daily chores of cleaning the house. These are some easy steps that will help you with your sofa’s longer life:
- Fluffing your cushions. Fluff your cushions quite often. If your sofa is used quite frequently, you may have to fluff even more often. This makes sure that the surface of the cushion on which you sit is even and uniform. So get your cushions and fluff out them. One more thing you may do is rotating your cushion once every month so that any one side is not sat upon more frequently than the other.
- Using the vacuum cleaner. Make use of a hand vacuum to clean up your sofa. Take out the cushions when you are vacuuming and clean up particularly the crevices and those places in the sofa that are not easy to get to. A vacuum will be helpful in removing hairs, dust or any other such accumulated particles on the sofa.
- Using couch covers. To make your couch last really longer, get covers made for the same. Couch covers have a snug and perfect fit over the couch as well as the cushions. This will ensure that the couch is free of dust. You will have to replace the covers once a month to ensure that your couch is clean and tidy.
- Avoidance of pets inside your house. If you have pets, preferably keep them outside to make your sofa or couch last much longer. Your pet cat or dog might be using your sofa or couch as a scratching post which will cause the same to deplete faster. Other than this, the odor of your pets might not leave the couch and make it uncomfortable.
- Prevention of eating or playing on the couch. If you have children, forbid them to eat or play or do any other such activity on the couch. Stains caused by sauces by eating on the sofa might be permanent and jumping on them as a play might make the cushions very uncomfortable. Jumping may also ruin and loosen the frame of your sofa.
These simple things need to be followed to ensure that your sofa or couch remains intact for a very long time. Do not forget to clean the sofa by a vacuum regularly and also do a general clean up process once every month.