Even if hamburgers are regarded by others as junk food, they still remain everybody’s favorite food. And besides, it is simply not a proven fact.
Actually, hamburgers are a good source of proteins, vitamins and other essential nutrients. The reason why it earned the reputation of being a junk food is that they can be bought from junk restaurants.
Preparing your hamburger right in your own kitchen is a very easy task and takes a very little amount of time.
You can even prepare a hamburger which is a whole lot better than the ones you get from fastfood chains. A better idea would be to use some Hamburger moulder equipment or have it chopped in the food processor by cutting it first into one inch cubes first.
What You’ll Need
- 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
- 1 egg lightly beaten
- 1lb/500g ground sirloin
- 4 pinches ground coriander
- 4 pinches paprika powder
- A dash of fresh ground black pepper
- 1 half onion grated or finely chopped
- A pinch of salt
- Meat spice seasonings
How to Make Homemade Burgers
- In a bowl, mix all the ingredients gently. Shape into 4 balls using your hands. Place the skillet under medium heat and put a little amount of oil. Place the burgers on the skillet when it is already hot. Use a spatula to flatten the balls. For medium rare, cook each side for about 3 minutes. If you want it rare, cook for a lesser time. And if you want it well done, cook longer.
- Toast the insides of the buns using a toaster, grill or broiler just before the burgers are ready. You can spread a little butter on the buns first if you are using a broiler or grill. In serving your burgers you can spread a small amount of mayonnaise on the bottom half of the bun. You can also add a slice of tomato, a lettuce leaf and a slice of raw onion. On the top half of the bread, you can spread a liberal amount of mustard and a dab of ketchup. You can also add whatever you want to your burger. That’s what makes homemade burgers really great to prepare. You can also serve with homemade French fries.
- To make your hamburger high fiber and low fat, use whole wheat buns instead of your regular bun. Add a good amount of lettuce and cut out the butter and mayonnaise.
- Cooking your burger using a skillet is the easiest method. But if you want to make your burger low fat, it is best to cook it using a broiler or grill because the fats are dropped to the coals or drained through the grill.