How to Make Ceramic Art

Your expensive vase just crashed to the floor and you feel you just crashed, too. You may be thinking to get the broom and throw it to the trash. Gone is your beautiful vase and the money you spent for it. But wait! You can turn these pieces into beautiful art. If you happen to have broken ceramics at home, you can still turn them into a beautiful creation. Just follow these easy steps and you’ll save decorating money and create new artwork.


  • Determine how much space the broken ceramics could cover. If there are only few pieces, you can find a small area for it. If you have a lot of broken ceramics, you can try it on any big area in your home.
  • If the pieces broke in big parts, you need to break them again to make small pieces. Break them to a size small enough but not too small. To do this, place the small ceramic pieces in a cloth sack or an unused pillowcase and hit them with a hammer, using a gentle tapping force. Stop once you get the sizes you want.

  • Choose a place where you would like to put your art. If there are few pieces, you can put them in a small picture frame. If you have many pieces, you can put them on top of a table, on the wall of a space in your bathroom, or anywhere else you would like.
  • Figure it out if you have enough pieces to cover the item or the area. If you need more ceramics you can break little pieces from another broken ceramic item.
  • Buy an adhesive made from mosaic and grout of any color you want at a craft store.
  • Draw with a pencil to create a pattern you like. Alternately, you could form them in the area until you figure out a pattern you like.
  • Make sure the surface is clean and smooth to effectively apply the ceramics. Apply the adhesive to the surface you want to put a piece and apply an adhesive to the back of the piece of ceramic. You can now paste the ceramic to the surface.
  • Keep doing this until you have reached the look you want to achieve.
  • After you’re done putting in the pieces, you can now apply the grout. The grout will fill in the gaps between the ceramics bits that did not fit in with one another perfectly. Use a knife or wooden stick to apply the grout between the gaps. Wipe the excess grout after filling in every spot.
  • Wait until the grout is dry, then wipe a laminate on it if you want your artwork to appear glossy or more polished.