How to Make a Topsy Turvy Planter

How to Make a Topsy Turvy Planter

When you will say topsy turvy planter, it is receiving many good reviews which can attract many plant to lovers to have in their home. These are good way to display your plants in your ceiling and also a great way to grow your plants aside from the garden which is the usual place to grow your favorite vegetables at home. One great way to use this project as a way to recycle many plastic containers at home like jugs and food products that can make your house crowded with junk, one way to save the earth from trash and save money at the same time.


  • Used jugs or you can also use other containers that is applicable for plants.
  • Ropes (nylon and any kind of rope depending on your design)
  • Drilling tool
  • Knife or cutter
  • Pot of soil
  • Plants
  • Plastic washers with an opening of 1/2 inch


  1. Wash and clean the used jug and cut off the top with the use a cutter or a knife. The jug you will use depends on the type and design of the planter that you want.
  2. Put some holes on the upper portion of the plastic jug and make sure that it is evenly spaced with an inch.
  3. It is also very important to put some holes on the bottom so that you excess water and the roots will be in place.
  4. Cut or drill the bottom with the measurement of two to three inches as a diameter.
  5. Do not forget to put nylon and cut it in equal pieces or ideally three feet or depends on how you like it tied in your ceiling. Secure the jug and the rope is very important that it is tied up carefully with each other or it is hang in your ceiling.
  6. Be sure that the root of the plant is place on a right part of the planter like the bottom in the plastic jug so that it can still grow properly.
  7. Place the planter in a location that can be reaching properly by the sunlight and you can properly water the plant. You need to give the plant the adequate minerals and nutrients that are placed in a topsy turvy planter.
  8. A very good quality of soil is very important which can basically sustain the plant with all the possible needs in order it can grow into a healthy plants.