You may decide to grow a few herb seeds amazon in the flower garden and this is very suitable if you want them mainly for their edible flowers, such as heartsease, bergamot, calendula or nasturtium. The shrubby, aromatic herbs like sage, rosemary, thyme, savory and lavender also fit in well, particularly if kept clipped back.
Or you could make up an entire bed of different varieties of lavenders, pinks and roses. Or try a brighter mix of poppies, marigolds and nasturtiums. Or even an all white bed of sweet cicely, woodruff and lemon balm.
Alternatively you could incorporate herbs into the vegetable garden, as rows or beds of bulk herbs for drying—chamomile, dill, calendula; as companion herbs for companion planting (see below); or as permanent perennial herbs along the ends of the rows or clipped to form a low hedge round the vegetable plot.
They lend themselves very well to container growing. Indeed some herbs are best container grown to keep them under control, particularly the mints.
Even a large tub or a half-barrel could be divided into segments containing the more compact herbs—thyme, marjoram, oregano or savory.
At the other extreme, many of the larger native herbs such as meadowsweet, alkanet, sweet woodruff or marshmallow will flourish in the “wild” part of your garden (every garden has one) and are worth encouraging for the number of birds and insects they support.
The bees and the butterflies
Planting a specialist herb garden for the bees and butterflies will not only make a contribution to conservation but will aid the pollination of your fruit and vegetables. Herbs are even more attractive to insects than ordinary flowers because they are generally more aromatic, rich in nectar and closer to the wild forms.
Further Readings: