How to Maintain Wall Surfaces Outside of Your Home

Regular maintenance on the outside of your home is always highly rewarding. Many tasks do, however, take a lot of time, such as painting wall rendering, and for this you may choose to hire a contractor.

Cement render (high maintenance): This is a very versatile wall surface that can be painted the color of your choice. With regular maintenance the surface will last a long time but, once neglected, cement render will deteriorate rapidly. Repairing render: To repair worn patches, mix up new render following packet instructions (or use ready-mix). Brush off all loose chips with a wire brush. Prime the area with a PVA sealant, then use a steel float to smooth the render on to the wall, until it sits just below the surrounding surface. Let this dry, then apply a second coat of render and blend it into the surrounding surface with a damp sponge. Painting render (high maintenance): Choose a day that’s dry, but not overly hot, because the paint can bubble in these conditions. Avoid painting in direct sun – ideally, work on a part of the house that the sun has just left, because it is easier to see what you are doing in shadow. Clean up the existing paintwork with a hard brush. Fill any cracks or worn patches. It is safer to work from a moveable scaffold tower, but if you use a ladder, make sure it is always securely placed. Paint with a roller, or an extension pole, or use a paint spray system that you can hire.

Brick (low maintenance): If the bricks on your house take a long time to dry after a rain shower, the brickwork is most likely porous and may benefit if you paint on special brick protection.

To remove mould growth from bricks, scour them with a hard wire brush.

Stone (low maintenance): Natural stone looks good, but can become dirty and dull over time.

Remove mould growth with a hard wire brush. Next, scrub with a softer brush, using water. If you still can’t remove it, try applying a solution of one part bleach to four parts water.

Cement paint can hide cracks on stonework around doors and windows, and can make dull stone look more attractive.

Timber (high maintenance): Unpainted wood needs regular sealing to keep out moisture. Always use products made especially for this, and re-seal your wood regularly. Always check the instructions for the product you use.

Painted timber offers some protection from damp weather but can blister easily, particularly if exposed to extreme conditions. Remove flaking bits with a hot-air gun before repainting.