If you have recently acquired maltipoo puppies, there are a couple of things to consider in order to achieve this ideal. The first is your dog’s safety inside the house, in the garden and beyond, and the second is maintaining good relations with your neighbours.
Indoor safety
Although you think your home may be safe for your dog, there are in fact a number of potential hazards you need to be aware of for your pet’s well-being.
- Cleaning fluids and detergents – Make sure your dog does not have access to them.
- Powder carpet fresheners – These may burn the pads of a dog’s feet, as well as cause skin and respiratory problems.
- Electric leads – Many puppies love to chew them, and young curious dogs may play with them. Install a safety trip mechanism.
- Sewing materials and stationery – Keep needles, thread, pins, buttons, rubber bands, paper clips, etc., under lock and key.
- Human medicines – Always keep these locked away.
- Hot water – Especially in the bath. For both human and animal safety run the cold water first.
- Noise from the television, radio or sound system – A dog’s hearing is highly sensitive.
Outdoor safety
Outdoor hazards include vehicular traffic, harassment from other dogs and humans, poisoning from harmful substances and poisonous creatures, and from contracting diseases from other dogs.
- Garden/yard security – Make sure your fence is dog-proof so that your pet cannot escape. Inspect your dog fencing daily and secure any holes in hedging or fencing immediately. Some dogs are excellent athletes and can scale a 2m (6ft) fence with no problem, especially entire dogs keen to find a mate, so ensure your boundary enclosure is suitable for the type and character of dog you own.
- Poisons – Keep garden chemicals (such as weedkillers and slug pellets) safely locked away where your dog cannot gain access to them. If you service the car, clean up any spilt antifreeze and oil; dogs find antifreeze appetizing and will lick it, while oil on fur or paws can result in poisoning if it is ingested when the dog grooms himself. Most dogs will instinctively avoid poisonous plants, both indoor and outdoor (such as laburnum and poinsettia), but puppies – being interested in everything -can occasionally fall victim to them. If you are worried about this danger then, if possible, remove any plants that may prove fatal if eaten by dogs – your vet can advise on the worst offenders. Dogs can also suffer poisoning from eating contaminated food they have found, such as poisoned vermin carcasses.
- Toad poisoning – Dogs do tend to investigate frogs and toads, and catch the occasional one before they know any better. Toads emit a vile-tasting, sometimes toxic, substance when under threat. Dogs react to this by shaking their heads frantically, salivating profusely and pawing at their mouth in an effort to rid themselves of the nasty, irritating substance. If you suspect toxic toad poisoning, consult your local vet immediately.
- Snake bites – Consult your vet immediately if you suspect your dog has been bitten by a poisonous snake.