When you are learning a new language there can never be something that will beat a language immersion course, especially if you get a good tutor. With a language immersion course, you will actually master the new language in such a powerful way that even you will surprise yourself. What are the chances that one can duplicate this immersion technique with satisfactory results, especially if they just become their own teacher and just do it locally? Using this same technique it is possible to learn multiple languages that include Mandarin, Chinese, Punjabi and Hindi. You can easily borrow from this experience and develop your own personalized self immersion formula to learn the language which you like the most.
There are a few must haves that you really cannot do without which include:
- Basic pronunciation: As a minimum requirement, you just must enjoy pronouncing the language, otherwise you are going to be a non-starter. A failure here and you will find it really challenging to speak or even understand even the simplest of words and phrases that you need to form in your mind.
- Basic Grammar: Even at the lowest level of the language, you should at least manage to form simple sentences and especially gain knowledge of the very simple verb tenses as well as the noun/adjective formula of the language. Getting the common word order will give you a big plus.
- Basic Vocabulary: Over three quarters of the words we use revolve around two to three hundred words in any language and they are simple enough for you to know. Take it upon yourself to move on from that level in order for you to gain the ability to communicate simple mundane things of daily life, which are applicable in the simple grammar for the beginner in any language. Create some personal vocabulary cards to help you to memorize some common words.
- Sentence Creation: Generation of simple sentences need not be a big challenge to you.
- Basic Comprehension: Gain the ability to at least hear and understand the simplest form of the language as it is spoken. Watch TV or audio visual programs in your target language to help speed up this process.
- Reading: You have no choice, but manage to read the language and in the process get the pronunciation of the words as they should really be. In case you are learning a non- western language, you can opt for a new script or a transliteration system such as Pinyin in Mandarin and Romanji in Japanese.