How to Install dotProject through Cpanel

dotProject is an online project management application. It is an open sources software and maintained by a group of volunteered developers. dotProject was initially developed by Adam Donnisson, Karen Chisholm and a few other people. It was first debuted in 29th July 2008. dotProject was initially made my dotMarketing Inc for Microsoft Project. However, the project was transferred to Sourceforge in October 2001. In 2002, Andrew Eddie and Adam Donnison applied for the project and were granted administrator permission to the project. Andrew work on the dotProject until he moved on to Mambo and then Joomla.

dotProject is written in PHP  platform. dotProject v1.x was licensed by BSD license while dotProject v2.x was licensed by GPL v2.

dotProject’s management features include projects and tasks, to do lists, discussion boards, gantt charts, reporting, and calendar. dotProject automatically archived the history of all the activities.

Although day to day support is available in the discussion board and online help files, users can also use the commercial support provided by the development team in the Priority Support Forum.

There are over 11500 members that have joined the dotProject forum. Users can also refer to the book called “Project Management with dotProject” written by Lee Jordan. The ISBN of the book is 1847191649.

If you want to install dotProject through cPanel, follow the instructions below:


1. On the homepage of your cPanel, click on the Fantastico icon. This will take you to the home page of Fantastico.


3. Click on dotProject in the Project Management section on the left Navigation bar.

Navigation bar

4. Click on New Installation.

New Installation

5. Select the domain on which you want to install dotProject from the Install on domain drop down menu.

6. If you want to install dotProject in the root directory of the domain, leave the Install in directory text box empty. If you want to install dotProject in a directory, enter the directory name. This directory should not be existed. It will be automatically created.

Directory text box

8. Enter a username in the Administrator-username text box. You need this to enter the dotProject administration area.

username text box

9. Enter a password in the Password text box. You need this to enter the dotProject administration area.

Password text box

10. Enter your email address in the Admin e-mail text box.

Admin e-mail text box

11. Enter your first name in the Admin first name text box.

Admin first name text box

12. Enter your last name in the Admin last name text box.

Admin last name text box

13. Enter a title in the Title text box.

Title text box

14. Enter your company name in the Company text box.

Title text box

15. When you are done, click the Install dotProject button.

Install dotProject button

16. Click the Finish Installation button.

Installation button

17. dotProject is now successfully installed.

If you follow the steps above, you will be able to install dotProject on your website.