How to Impress the Boss during Telephone Interviews

Being interviewed for a position requires superior and charismatic communication skills. Sometimes employers conduct interviews over the phone. It’s the same as a personal interview, but with the telephone variety you cannot add bonus point by dressing professionally. You will need to be attentive to listening as well as fast and clear in conversing. To help you have extra leverage with phone interviews, here are some tips you can apply.


1. Most likely the schedule for the phone interview will be sent to you through a written or an e-mail notification. Once you have received your interview schedule, choose a place that is quiet and free from any distractions—preferably a room where no one can disturb you. If the company is going to call you, free your telephone from other calls for at least an hour before the scheduled call; after all, you don’t want your interviewer to wait on the line.

2. Have a paper and pen in hand. This will help you in having a straight point while answering questions. You can jot down the questions asked or note certain keywords you would like to include in your conversation. It easy to go off task or topic while on a phone interview, so use your pen and paper to stay on track.

3. Speak clearly and at an appropriate volume. Remember that the interviewer will get to know you only as you speak since she will not see your hand gestures or facial expressions. Use your voice to emphasize what you need to emphasize while speaking. Avoid using filler phrases like “uhmm” and “you know,” which can indicate nervousness or lack of ideas. You want to sound like you are confident and knowledgeable.

4. Smile while talking. Smiling while talking over the phone can reflect through your voice. Your interviewer might not see your smile, but it will definitely reflect on your voice.

5. You should have ready answers. Prior to the interview practice answering common questions like “Why should we hire you in our company?” Having an instant question will avoid your being repetitive. You should also deliver your answers within 30 seconds to one minute, so be as concise as possible.

6. Listen closely. You will be the one who will do all the answering, so be keen in listening to your interviewer when he or she is asking or telling you something. Listening indicates you are interested in and serious about the job.

7. End the interview politely. Thank your interviewer for taking the time to talk with you. Make sure you express your desire to be part of the company. At the end of the interview, say you hope to hear a positive response from the company soon.