How to Impress at Job Interviews

At job interviews the difference between you and other applicants will have to do primarily with your education and background. But what most people miss out on is that presentation can get you in. Employers are often willing to bend some rules once you impress them. If you are going in for an interview or are in search for a job, these simple tips could earn you a position.

  • Dress to impress. It’s often said that you have to dress as if you already have the job. You may wear a tailored suit or a skirt knee-length or longer. Whichever you choose, the wardrobe should fit perfectly. A button-down, office-appropriate dress is appropriate especially if you pair it with a blazer. Wear close-toed shoes.  Make an effort to look neat and pleasing. Remember that the first impression you make is that of your visual appearance. Choose a classic wardrobe that makes you look like a professional. Go for statement dresses if you’re applying for a position in a fashion industry.

    • Don’t forget your hygiene. Remember to take a bath that day. Brush your teeth, and clean your nails and ears. These are details that your interviewers will most likely notice.
    • Be prepared for possible job interview questions. Practice answering questions as if you are in the actual interview. Some common questions are listed below to help you.
    • What can you contribute to this company?
    • What is your greatest strength? Weakness?
    • Tell me about a problem you have encountered. How did you deal with it?
    • What do you think is your greatest achievement thus far?
    • What do you expect from this company?
    • What is usually your problem in dealing with officemates or co-workers?
    • Be confident! Do not slouch; stand tall. Walk confidently, smile, and give your     interviewer a firm handshake. Remember the name of your interviewer and don’t be afraid to address her.
    • Ask questions. Asking questions indicates you are interested and that you are listening. Do not be afraid to ask questions that are relevant to the job and the company. It would please the interviewer to know that you have been paying attention.
    • After the interview, don’t ever say “Thanks!” and then walk out. Instead, say “Thank you for your time and for this interview.” This will show that you respect the interviewer. Write a thank-you note and send it to the interviewer afterwards, You may include in the note that you are hopeful to get a positive response. This step is often underrated because we now live in a world of fast-paced technology. Job applicants who send notes to their interviewers often gets the job sealed. This step will make you stand out.