Uropathy is a disease that occurs in a person’s 30’s or later. It is a dysfunction marked by the blockage of the kidneys from an obstruction in the urinary tract. Uropathy can be caused by hernia, tumor, or stones in the urinary tract. The blockage in the urinary tract impedes the normal waste output. Urine flows back into the kidney causing Hydronephrosis. This is the accumulation of urine in the pelvic c region. You can identify the symptoms in several ways.
Step 1
Take particular notice of any pain or discomfort you feel. Uropathy usually causes pain and/or tenderness. Your flank area lies between the abdomen and the back right at the position of the hip on either side. Your pain can range from mild to severe the pain is a result of pressure building because the bladder and other parts of the urinary system is distended.
Step 2
How often do you use the restroom? Uropathy makes it hard to control the flow of urine. Some patients may experience incontinence and the times in which they use the restroom may increase. If you find yourself waking up during the night more frequently, then this could be a sign
Step 3
Painful urination is another key marker of Uropathy. Stinging, burning, tingling or any pain is an indication of something. A UTI (urinary tract infection) is part of the symptoms of Uropathy. It is important to note any discomfort you may feel when urinating.
Step 4
Urine may become darkened with Uropathy patients. Check to see if you urine appears darker than normal. The darkening comes from the blood and white blood cells in the urinary tract. Urine can also appear cloudy and/or rusty visually.
Step 5
If you are also experiencing fever and/or chills that is a good indication of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Infection drives a fever. It’s your body’s natural defense against infection. Call your doctor for an appointment if you experience fever or chills.
Step 6
The pain in the body can make you nauseated. As the pain increases so does the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. Try to relax and take deep, full breaths when experiencing this discomfort.
Step 7
Check for a lump or growth in the flank area where you are experiencing pain. Hydronephrosis (accumulation of urine in the pelvic area) can cause a growth. It’s very common in more progressed cases.
Step 9
Monitor your blood pressure. Increase blood pressure can occur along with bodily swelling. This is caused by blocked kidney function. The body is not able to release wastes as it needs. Therefore, the body is attempting to regulate itself and sharp increases in blood pressure may occur.