How to Host a Fundraiser

Fundraisers rely on the charity and good will of other people to give to those who may be less fortunate than they are. The causes and agendas are too many to name. Fundraisers can benefit any type of organization from humanity, to animals and even political science. The types of organizations that benefit from fundraisers are endless. Fundraisers are essential to some businesses growth. Whether you care trying raise resources for an organization or charity, it can be a daunting process if it is not planned and executed correctly. Some people avoid fundraising because they feel it is too overwhelming. But, it is not as complicated as it may seem initially. Here is how you can host a fundraiser. Read on.


Things You’ll Need:

  • A theme
  • A budget
  • A menu
  • Items for auction
  • Entertainment

Step 1

Choose a theme or your fundraiser. The theme needs to accurately represent your cause and entity. If you are raising money for other organizations then bring in items that will help represent that organization. The invitations, flyers and ambience should reflect the interests and image of the entity that would be benefiting from this fundraising venture.

Step 2

Outline a budget. Keep in mind that for this fundraiser your money spent out will be minimal. You will have to work within a small budget. You can call around and ask vendors if they can donate food, supplies, raffle off prizes and give in any capacity to the fundraiser. Some business may opt not to donate merchandise but rather donate money instead.

Step 3

Make a menu for your fundraiser.  Your food will depend on your cause. You need to choose between and casual and formal dinner. There are occasion that fundraisers have been grilled food and others 6 course meals. Keep your food choices down to items you can comfortably afford with in the budget. You can have an elegant meal on a budget by smart shopping and possibly buying in bulk.

Step 4

You should expect to have entertainment. You should have something formed besides the dinner. A classic way to raise money is by having a silent or public auction. Local vendors may be willing to donate the items you will auction off for profit. You can also have live musical entertainment or a talent show. Incorporate your entertainment into the theme of the event.

Step 5

Prepare a brief presentation about the cause you are trying to benefit. Make it clear to everyone in attendance why you are fundraising and how and why they should help. Don’t get caught up in so much planning that you forget the purpose of the event.