How to Handle When Your Dog Has Eczema and Parotid Gland Inflammation


Eczematous lesions along the edge of the ear are frequently seen in dogs with floppy ears and in breeds that have their ears cropped.


Eczema usually starts with a simple irritation that itches, whereupon the dog scratches or rubs the affected ear. This insult leads to bleeding and further irritation. While this condition often appears to heal quickly with good scab formation, it might just as quickly be broken by scratching. Subsequently, it can get infected with bacteria or fungi.

Dog  Eczema


The most common causes are impact, bites, scratching, or continuous shaking of the head. Parasites may also be implicated as causes of eczema.


Treat the affected ear first with diluted Calendula essence, and then follow up by gently rubbing a thin layer of Trammels ointment on the lesion. Hamamelis ointment is equally suitable.

Important: Try to keep your dog from scratching the affected ear because the scratching will delay the healing process.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

If the edge of the ear remains scabby and bloody despite your treatment efforts, you should seek the help of a professional.

What to Expect

The inflammation will be treated with specific homeopathic remedies In addition; the process of healing will be aided by the administration of cytoplasm therapy.

Preventive and Convalescent Care

Whenever you examine your dog’s ears, include the edges of the ears in your inspection.

Breed Dispositions

Spaniels and basset hounds are affected more frequently than others.

Parotid Gland Inflammation

These glands are located below the ears, just behind the lower jaw.

Important: Do not mistake these glands for swollen lymph nodes!


Inflammation of these glands appears as marble-sized enlargements just below the ears. The swelling is usually not sensitive to the touch and, at first, only the left side appears to be affected.


Colds and other viral infections, as well as occlusion of the secretary canal, may be the causes of this condition.


Give your dog one tablet of Trammels and one ampoule of Belladonna-injeel daily.

Bach Flowers

If your dog appears weakened and tired from the inflammatory condition, administer hornbeam and olive.

Dog  Eczema

When to Consult a Veterinarian

See a professional if your home treatment has not been successful within three days.

Important: If the condition is painful, you should take your dog immediately to a veterinarian trained in holistic techniques

What to Expect

First, the inflammation will be treated with a specific homeopathic single remedy, which will also stimulate the body’s own healing resources. Then, Nosode therapy will be initiated, which will aid the detoxification process Color therapy may be added to enhance the recovery process.

Preventive and Convalescent Care

Do not expose your dog to drafts.